When is Leavers?
Leavers Dates
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When is Leavers?
Leavers is the end of high school festival that students in Western Australia celebrate. To celebrate this huge milestone, students flock to the seaside towns of Busselton, Dunsborough and Margaret River or Bali in Indonesia. Each year, more than 10,000 students take part in these epic celebrations.
If you are heading down-south, WA Police and the Leavers Planning Committee stages the Leavers Zone for 4 massive nights along with the Meelup beach fest. If you are heading to Bali in Indonesia, students spend the days experiencing the sun kissed beaches, tantalising cuisine and the larger-than-life nightlife.
The Leavers celebrations begin straight after high school graduation in November. The official Leavers dates can be found below.
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